Media Release
Press Release: Alumni Night 2016

Press Release: Alumni Night 2016

Aussie NSUers association arranged their second successive Annual Alumni Night on 9th September in Granville Townhall. The event brought together a community of NSU alumni’s from all over Sydney who had a wonderful occasion to catch up, network and celebrate the get together. This was by far OzNSUer’s most successful Alumni Night in terms of the number of attendees. In addition to hundreds of NSU alumni’s, there were respected faculty members from many renowned Australian universities, print and visual media personalities to cover the Gala Dinner. Samanta and Farhan’s spontaneous hosting of the whole event was an absolute delight to watch.

The program started with the opening speech given by the association’s president Shahidur Rahman who briefly went through the activities OzNSUers were involved throughout the year and its future agendas. The highlight of the night was the presence of the eminent educationist, the honourable Vice Chancellor of North South University Professor Atiqul Islam who flew from Dhaka to attend the event. In his delegation team, there was Faisal Wali, Director of NSU’s external affair. In his keynote speech, Professor Islam mentioned OzNSUers as the largest Alumni association and praised highly of its notable involvement in many humanitarian and cultural activities. Later he awarded some of the Pioneering batch (93) students residing in Sydney as a part of NSU’s 24th Year celebration. The night’s special attraction was a Q&A session. Professor Islam, Faisal Wali and the founder president of the association Newaz Hasan answered many questions of the guests and media personalities. The issues that came up in this session were, the recent controversies regarding some NSUer’s so-called involvement in terrorist activities, NSU’s role in upholding the countries culture and tradition, OzNSUer’s fund management etc. To answer a question professor Islam termed terrorism as a global crisis and expressed his firm determination in addressing the problem and shed light on some of the measures that the university has already taken to wage this issue. He also mentioned that NSU is working relentlessly to provide a rock-solid platform for facilitating its students to be able to study in renowned universities around the globe.

Other speakers of the evening were Tanvir Shahid, Regional Director Macquarie University and Mohammad Hossain, CEO of Studynet. Among the esteemed guests there were, Mostafa Abdullah (President of DUAAA), Dr. Momota Chawdhury (Faculty University of Western Sydney), Dr. Khorshed Chowdhury (Faculty Wollongong University), Kamrul Ahsan (Founder of UDICHI).